Illustration Notes for Episode Twenty-Two

I had just two days this week to write Episode Twenty-Two—from scratch—and to come up with its illustrations. It had to be something quick. Lots of silhouettes, very little detail, close in shots. ‘Fast and dirty’ as they say.

After giving it some thought, I decided to bracket the episode in two images, the first of which would help ‘fill the gap’ I’ve left between where we last left Dusty and Colleen, and where we find them now. I had decided earlier that showing their actual rescues by National Guard helicopter—however action-adventurous—would just slow the larger narrative down at this point. Nonetheless, it seemed worth acknowledging as we moved forward. Hence the the episode’s opening illustration, depicting—once again—something not actually contained within the episode, but related to it.

The footer image was quick too—candidly, painted, in this case, right over a stock photo (yes, I, and most other illustrators do that sometimes when we’re in a BIG hurry). I’ve attached the photo itself here as well, so you can see what I started with, and what I did with it. However ‘expedient',’ I find this image a very simple, concise, but poignant image of where Dusty is as we continue forward.

Below, as always, are uncropped versions of the two images—and the stock photo—for your perusal. :]

Epi 020 Splash Image B.jpg
Epi-22 Footer Image B.jpg
Mark Ferrari