Illustration Notes for Episode Twenty-Three
My decision to depict a small patch of the cluttered ‘attic’ room Piper takes Matt into was motivated by the realization that the blizzard of things tacked to those walls says more in a single image about what Matt, and we, are really being introduced to in this episode—about what Piper’s kind are—and aren’t—than any image of two characters talking, or the larger room was going to. I will tell you right now that this picture, like the room it evokes, is a deception. The ‘riddles’ sprawled across its every surface are both truths and lies, intended to hide as much as they also reveal. The whole room is a riddle—which neither Matt, nor we, know enough to recognize, or even to suspect yet. …I will say no more than that though. Answers will unfold all in good time. :]
Of course, just as Piper’s kind rarely does or says anything for just one reason, neither do I. There was a second reason why I couldn’t resist doing this scene over other possibilities. And if you know me well enough, you already know what it was. This patch of Piper’s mysterious room…is also a patch of wall lifted pretty directly from my office, upstairs in my own home. ‘Write what you know.’ Isn’t that what they say? :D
Hope you discover LOTS of stories in the uncropped version of this week’s episode image below. A space crowded with stories is what my office is intended to be. Hope you have fund exploring a corner of it.