Illustration Notes for Episode Thirty-Six

This week was another of those scheduling nightmares, where I needed an image I could slap together QUICKLY! So, I found, and painted over, another stock photo. One little hitch: the best photo I could find in a hurry showed a very slender, very blond young officer where I needed a “thick-bodied, middle-aged, Latino” one. So I slapped a layer of paint and filters over the photo, repainted the young, blond officer heavily, gave everyone long sleeves—’turned the lights on’ on the squad car behind them, gave the female officer red hair—and called it good in the nick-o-time! I have attached both the usual uncropped, uncluttered version, and the stock photo I worked with, for your edification and eye-rolling. …Gotta go! Enjoy! :D

Epi 036 Splash Image.jpg
Mark Ferrari