Illustration Notes for Episode Thirty-Seven
This week’s episode is, once again, largely a series of conversations—this time, disembodied conversations to boot! So…what to draw? I chose the rings upon realizing that this was a chance to depict something of narrative interest: the way ‘faeries’ see the world around them.
If you or I were to walk into Rain’s ‘office’ at this moment, we would see none of the ‘light show’ depicted here. Andinalloi like us see only light reflected off of what we’re still calling ‘physical matter’ these days. We would see Rain holding up a plain metal ring, above others like it on the desktop. Rain’s kind sees not just the world of physical matter, but all or most of its attendant active energetic signatures as well. Rain can see, as well as ‘hear’ and ‘feel’ not just the content of his communication through these rings, but of the ‘entangled’ quantum medium itself. So—we’re getting a ‘their-eye’ view of something here. …Not bad for an episode of otherwise disembodied conversations, eh? :]
Special thanks to Justin Cox, a new friend here on the island, who very literally ‘lent me a hand’ for this illustration! Awesome hands, Justin! (hand cream advertisers—beat the rush, and call this phenomenal pair of hands for a quote TODAY!) :D
Below, as always, find an uncropped and uncluttered copy of the image.
See ya next week, I hope! :D