Illustration Notes for Episode Fifty-Six
This week’s episode image is, in one way, a reprise of the illustration for Episode 37—which also showed an active message ring being held by Rain, and viewed as their kind would see it with the ‘energetic vision’ they are able to exercise. But, in addition to the fact that I think this subject matter is ‘visually cool to create and look at,’ it also seemed a good symbolic image of the world sending them increasingly unsettling ‘messages,’ and the way parsing and navigating these disturbing developments is a task they share; ‘each with a hand on the same ring,’ as it were. :] Rain and The Lady, meeting these challenges together. …?
And, to be candid, what were my other choices? Another picture of a room with these two characters standing in it? Rain walking through The Lady’s woods on his way to her mansion there—all of which we’ve also seen before? A table full of pastry? Been there, done that too! This choice just felt like the most fun for ME. Hope you’re enjoying it too. :]
And now you know The Lady has Persian carpets on her floors. So there’s a new bit of information, right?
Anyway… you will find an uncropped and uncluttered copy of the image below—as always—for your perusing pleasure. :]
See you next week!