Illustration Notes for Episode Fifty-Eight
Happy news! My Episode Illustration collaborator, M. Scott Hammond is BACK this week! He did the line work for this illustration, to which I added the coloration—and I think it’s a really good portrait of ‘Catcher,’ one of Matt Rhymer’s first and most important new friends on ‘the Avenue',’ where he’s been left to fend for himself as a supposed homeless runaway until the Stbrich brothers can surreptitiously befriend Matt and begin his ‘training.’
Not a lot more I can say about this image without blundering deep into ‘spoiler’ territory. So, for now, I’ll just leave it at, “Thanks for a great job, Scott!” and direct you to the uncluttered and uncropped version of this week’s image below.
Stay safe and healthy! See you here next week. :]