Illustration Notes for Episode Twenty-Eight
This week’s image depicts one of my favorite locations in this tale: The Lady’s official residence in the literally enchanted forest at the center of The Lady’s Keep, her home, and the ‘headquarters’ of her ‘government’—which, despite its very convincing illusion of being an outdoor wilderness, also happens to be located deep, deep underground! (Fairies were often said to live ‘under the hill’—as many of you likely already know. The Lady and her people are no exception to this tradition.)
I don’t have a lot more to say about this image, except that it’s one of may favorite images so far, and I have no idea how I managed to crank it out in the tiny shreds of time that a lovely and enjoyable Christmas full of family visits and holiday fun left me. I guess it must just be another Christmas miracle!
So instead, I’d like to use the last few lines of this week’s ‘illustration notes’ to thank all of you who have shared this journey with me so far. The fact that you guys are out there—wanting to hear this story—is what keeps me excited and inspired about ‘spinning’ it. To those of you who have extended the even greater generosity of offering further support through the site’s tip jar or my Patreon site, please allow me to say a very special thank you. It sometimes seems that generosity is in no huge surplus these days, but every time one of you has gone above and beyond to support this project, it boosts not just my confidence in TWICE, but my faith in the persistent good-heartedness of people in general—whatever the daily news may seem to suggest. So thanks—for all of that! I hope each of you finds as much excitement and inspiration in 2020 as you have helped me find in 2019. :]
Below—as always—find an uncropped and uncluttered-up version of this week’s image!