Illustration Notes for Episode Forty-Six
This week’s episode illustration is the latest in my new collaboration with M. Scott Hammond. And I am happy to report that collaborative dynamic between us is working better every week! One of the things I like most about collaborative work is that it infuses MY ideas and inspiration with content from completely outside of my head—and vice versa. When I got this week’s drawing from Scott, I was surprised to see several elements NOT depicted in my episode—as written at that point. The thing is, they were COOL departures that gave me NEW ideas for how to make this episode—and the story—even better! So…I rewrote the episode, inspired by SCOTT’S muse—and now the whole thing’s richer! Ain’t creative ‘gene exchange’ grand? :D
Below, as always, find an uncropped and uncluttered version of this week’s image. Enjoy!
Stay safe and healthy, friends!