Illustration Notes for Episode Fifty-One

The decision about what to draw for this week’s episode image was easy. The whole scene is driven by the ‘inexplicable view’ from Colleen’s room. For an added bit of fun, I based the view in question—both in the scene and in this illustration—on a piece of my own old fantasy landscape work. Aficionados of my old color-cycling 8-bit digital landscape images will likely recognize the paint-over outside this window. :] (You thought it looked familiar from somewhere—and your were right!)

My sometime collaborator, M.Scott Hammond, is, happily, still fully extended in new freelance assignments elsewhere this week—but his great line work WILL be back in future episode images. In the meantime, check out his site, if you haven’t already.

Below, as always, find an uncropped version of this week’s image. :]

Epi 051 Splash Image.jpg
Mark Ferrari